How would you describe yourself?
Quirky, curious, dedicated, empathic, assertive.
What drew you to coding in the first place?
I've always been fascinated by computers, from building my first PC when I was 12 to playing video games in my spare time. I figured I might as well work with something I had always enjoyed. It was a mere coincidence it ended up with web development in the end, but I'm glad it did.
What makes you happy?
Organising things, tidying up and decorating spaces, salty snacks, non-judgemental people, and payday.
What is something you've learned recently in your career that you believe is extremely valuable?
The importance of soft skills. You must learn to be patient, flexible, diplomatic and a good listener. If you grow as a person, you grow in your career.
What are some interesting facts about you that most people are unaware of?
Despite (or because of) growing up in Scandinavia, I detest the cold.
What are some books you've enjoyed recently?
My favourite genres are typically a mix of science fiction, fantasy, or classical history. You can view a selection of my reading progress right here.
What would your ideal morning look like?
A perfect morning would involve waking up early, having a cup of coffee and a light breakfast, and then going for a run in the forest.
What's something you wish you were better at?
There's always room for improvement, even in things you excel in. I would like to improve my communication skills, both in writing and speaking. I'm also working on being more patient and less of a perfectionist.